~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter Five ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The light outside turned blue and dimmed. He released a deep, rumbling cough as he hoisted himself from the bed and walked to the window. Pushing aside the curtain, he peered out at the shadowed street. The girl stopped playing with her dolls on the floor. "Is it time?" she asked. "Soon," he told her, turning to smile. "He'll be here soon. You remember what to do?" "Yes. I'm not a baby." "No, of course not." He chuckled, coughing, and stretched out an arm to her. "Come here with me." She pressed her nose against the glass, breath fogging the window. "Tell me again how I'll know him." "He will come in the night, like a thief. He will wear a long black coat and not come to the door as a proper person would do. He'll come in through a window with a torch and a gun." "To--to kill us?" "Yes, child. I'm afraid that's what Satan does. But we won't let him win, now will we?" He popped a candy in his mouth and stroked her soft blond hair as they watched out the window, and waited. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mulder's coat flared behind him as he strode into the CVS with Grenier in close pursuit. Laine was at the same register she had been minding when they had questioned her the first time. "You lied to us," Mulder said, cutting in front of an old man who was counting out his bill in nickels. The man went right on counting. "You saw Pittsfield." Grenier elbowed his way in and leaned over the counter. Laine rolled her eyes at them and continued ringing up the six sticks of deodorant in front of her. Mulder snatched her arm and held it tight. "Let's go back and try this conversation again, shall we?" "Ow, let go. You're hurting me!" "A jail sentence for obstruction is going to hurt a whole lot more." He began dragging her from around the counter. "Hey, what's going on here?" the manager demanded to know. Grenier flashed his ID and Mulder continued hauling Laine to the back storeroom. He released her as soon as the door banged shut behind them. The girl stumbled and rubbed her forearm. "Okay," Mulder said. "From the top: when did you see the VW bus?" "He's not a kidnapper." "That's not what we asked you," Grenier said. Lanie scowled. "He was in around noon, okay? He bought a magazine and a candy bar for the girl." "He was in the store?" Mulder exchanged a look with Grenier. "And you didn't think to mention this?" "Listen, you've got the wrong guy. There's no way he kidnapped that little girl. She was happy to be with him - - giggling and holding his hand." Grenier whipped out his notebook. "Start at the beginning and don't leave anything out. Exactly what time did he come in?" "I don't know *exactly*. He came in before I went on lunch break." "You saw the van," Mulder said. "Yeah. You don't get too many of them like that around here. It was in pretty good shape too." "I don't suppose you saw the license plate." "I suppose I did. It was one of those vanity type ones that said 'ANGEL.' I could see he had a little angel doll hanging down from the mirror, too. He was a nice man. Polite. He smiled and let me keep the change. I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy." "Don't you love it when punk kids try to tell us our jobs?" Grenier asked Mulder. He advanced on Laine, causing her to back up until she was pressed against the wall. "This man took a six year old girl named Lily from her own backyard and drove her hundreds of miles away from her family. Then he dragged her screaming and terrified through the woods only to throw her off a cliff into the ocean." Laine turned pale. "You still think he's sweet?" Grenier demanded. "You still think a few extra pennies justifies lying to the FBI?" "I-- I didn't know." "Now you do," Mulder said quietly. He stepped forward. "You need to tell us everything you know." "Well, that's the thing... The little girl he was with? He called her Lily." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Scully swallowed her Tylenol while still in the gas station convenience store. The flickering neon light over the counter did little to quell her nausea. "Is this it for you, Ma'am?" asked the clerk as he rung up the sunflower seeds. Scully replaced the cap on her bottle of water and squinted out at the parking lot, where Mulder sat in their omnipresent Taurus. It was hour two of the stakeout and who knew when they might get to eat dinner? Scully added a giant Hershey's bar to her purchases and then paid the tab. Out in the car, she tossed the sunflower seeds at Mulder. "Pre-shelled," he remarked sadly as he studied the bag. "Yes, but they stock eighty-seven kinds of beer." "If Pittsfield doesn't show soon, I may go buy a case." Scully picked up the binoculars and studied the small house across the street. "We aren't even sure he's in there," she reminded Mulder. "The van was registered to a Henry Hutton." "It's him," Mulder said, popping a seed. "The place is pitch black and all the blinds are drawn. I'll bet you anything that garage has a yellow VW van on it." "But until we see it -- or Pittsfield -- we can't get a warrant." Their walkietalkie crackled, and Grenier came on the line. "Anything?" "Nothing here," Mulder said. "Anything by you?" "I had a dog come piss all over my tires, but that's about the only excitement I've seen today. I still say the little shit's in there." "I agree." "Let's go up and ring the bell," Grenier suggested. "He's all but waved the flag at us anyway." "Not yet." Mulder chewed thoughtfully. "Let me get back to you in a minute, okay?" "Mulder?" Scully asked. "What are you thinking?" "I'm thinking none of this feels right. The poster, the van, the webcam -- hell, he's even sitting here in a house in the middle of suburbia. It's not like Pittsfield is making even the slightest effort to hide. I can't help thinking that if we're sitting here, it's because that's where he wants us to be." He crunched another seed, and Scully rubbed her eyes with one hand. "Okay, then what do you propose?" "We need to get in that house." Mulder began dusting off his hands. "What? Where are you going?" "I might be able to see into that garage." "If you can't see it from the sidewalk, it's still not enough for a warrant." "I'll swear out an affidavit to my eagle eyes," Mulder replied as he opened the door. Scully took up the binoculars again and watched him jog across the wide, busy street. There were no signs of life in the small house on the hill. Mulder skulked up the driveway, keeping close to the scraggly bushes at the side. The radio crackled again. "What the hell is he doing?" Grenier demanded. "Looking for the van," Scully replied. She peeked again. Mulder had reached the garage and was peering through the dark window. Scully found herself checking the house and back again, just to be sure. "C'mon," she muttered when he lingered. Mulder froze. Even from a hundred yards away, Scully saw the change come over him. She froze too in response, her heart caught in her throat. His head tilted; he saw something in the yard. Scully shifted the binoculars a fraction so she could look too. What happened afterward seemed so unreal that time spread out like taffy. The world around her closed off; she saw Mulder turn, saw the gun. She never heard the shot. Mulder took a million years to fall. Seconds later, Scully jerked alert again at the sound of her own scream. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ She had been waiting for him just as she was supposed to do, with the curtain pulled back an inch so she could see him creeping up in his black coat. He was huge and scary. She clutched the heavy gun and opened the back door. He saw her coming and she could tell he recognized her -- just the way that Father said he would. He started to speak but she pointed the gun at him. "Wait," he said. She didn't wait. She fired four times until he fell down. The gun slipped from her hands and she ran through the woods. Wind frosted her ears until it hurt. The cold air burned her lungs. She ran and ran until she found the road, where Father was waiting with the car. "I did it," she told him, still panting. "It's done." "Good girl. Now buckle your seatbelt. We still have work to do." She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, tired from conquering Satan. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Scully reached Mulder before Grenier did, crashing to her knees beside him as Mulder gripped his leg in pain. "I'm fine, I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth. It was dark enough that she couldn't see to disagree with him. "Where are you hurt?" "Mulder?" Grenier said, catching up. "What the hell happened? Are you okay?" "I'm fine. Get the girl." Grenier took off running through the woods. Scully gingerly inspected Mulder's leg where he was holding it. Her hands came away cold and wet with blood. "Mulder, we need to get you to a hospital." "I'm lucky she's such a lousy shot." His teeth started chattering. Scully called for the ambulance, one hand on the phone and the other one on Mulder's chest. As long as he was still breathing, so could she. "Hang in there, Mulder," she told him. "They're on the way." Sweat broke out across his brow. "It was the girl from the webcam. I didn't see the gun at first." "Here, let me do that." She pried his hands loose from his thigh and inspected the wound with her flashlight. Blood oozed through his pants but not at an alarming rate. "She didn't hit an artery," she told Mulder, relieved. "You're going to be okay." "My hero," Mulder said weakly. Scully ignored him and applied pressure to his wound. "Ow!" "Sorry." She winced as he did but did not let up the pressure. In the distance, sirens began to wail. Grenier came thrashing back out of the woods, breathing hard. "No sign of her," he said. "She must have made it to the road." "Where Pittsfield was waiting," Mulder concluded. "Shh, lie still," Scully said. An ambulance pulled into the driveway with its red lights flashing. Grenier loomed over Mulder. "Shot by a six year-old," he said, shaking his head. "At least when I took a bullet it was from a real criminal. This is sad, Mulder. Truly sad." Mulder coughed. "At least I am not *dating* a six year- old," he retorted. "Enough. The both of you." The paramedics trudged up the icy driveway to displace Scully. She moved all of three feet, hovering in the slush as the EMTs went to work on Mulder. The arriving cruisers created a dizzying light show on the snow-covered lawn. Grenier shifted to stand beside Scully and cast a grim look down at the blood on her clothes. "Well, here's one piece of good news," he said. "I'm thinking we shouldn't have any trouble getting that warrant now." ~*~*~*~*~* Mulder had his eyes shut when she slipped into his hospital room. Scully closed the door softly but he awoke anyway. "Hey," she said, moving to stand next to the bed. "How are you feeling?" He was pale and pantless but otherwise looked okay. "It's nothing but a flesh wound, Ma'am," he said. "I'll be up and hunting cattle rustlers again by morning time." Scully took his hand. "She could have killed you, Mulder." "Yeah," he said, sobering. "But she didn't. And I can't help thinking Pittsfield must not want me dead all that badly if he trusted a six year-old to do the job." "Grenier says the house was definitely Pittsfield's -- the prints inside match the ones we have on file. Still no ID on the girl." Mulder squeezed her hand and began easing out of the bed. "You want to hand me my pants, Scully?" "Mulder, no. Where do you think you're going?" "Back to that house. So far Pittsfield has us chasing our tails, doing exactly what he wants us to do. I want to know what the real plan is." "Grenier's over there, Mulder. He's on top of things." "Grenier is very, very good at connecting the dots. He is not so good at seeing the dots to begin with." Mulder groaned as his feet hit the floor. "I need the crutches." "You need to get back in bed." "The doctors said I could go home." "Home to bed." Mulder lurched for his pants and caught them. "I will go home to bed. I just want to make a pit stop first." "No. Mulder, I can't let you do this. If you think I'm going to help you go out on crutches the freezing cold, back to a crime scene that may still be potentially dangerous, then you are crazier than I ever believed." "I need help putting my pants on," Mulder said as though she had never spoken. "Mulder! 'First do no harm' -- remember that little credo? I am not going to help you go out and injure yourself further." Mulder sighed, fingers clenching around his pants. He looked at her. "Okay, Scully. I will make you a deal. I will stay here and rest like a good boy if you stay and have those tests done." "Wh-what?" "You heard me." He held her gaze. "If you stay, then so will I." "It's the middle of the night. The people who do those sorts of tests aren't here right now." "You're telling me they can't do a CAT scan? There's no one in the lab doing blood tests?" Scully was silent. "Yeah, that's what I thought," Mulder said, resigned. He lifted his good leg and started putting on his pants. Progress was slow, and lines of pain etched his features. "Here, let me do that," she said at last. She helped him maneuver both legs into the loose pants. "I don't know what you expect to find at the house," she said, not looking at him. Mulder put a hand on her head. "It's what I'm not expected to find that counts." ~*~*~*~*~*~ Scully held the door for him as he limped into the house. "One quick look," she warned. Mulder leaned on his crutches and surveyed the living room. A battered couch; two chairs and a floor lamp. There was a stack of newspapers sitting by the fireplace. The windows had dark curtains nailed over them, and the bookcases were empty. "Hey, you're back," Grenier said as he poked his head into the room. "Momentarily," Scully said, more to Mulder than to Grenier. "What've you got?" Mulder wanted to know. "Look at this." Grenier led them down the hall to a small pink bedroom. "We think this is the one the girl was using. Her fingerprints are everywhere and there are clothes in the closet that seem to be the right size. Check this out." He pulled a purple notebook off of the small desk. "It says Lily Ann Tucker." "We know it's not her," Mulder said. "Yeah, but I am guessing the girl doesn't know that. But check out the next room." They moved next door to a second pink bedroom. This one had an angel poster on the wall above the bed. "For the new acquisition," Mulder murmured as he looked around. "There's a layer of dust on the desk here. He must have been planning this for quite some time." Scully spotted something shiny glinting in the shag carpet. She stooped to pick it up. "What is it?" Grenier asked. "A foil candy wrapper," Scully said. She began unrolling the tiny ball. The foil was red and gold, with the number 21 stenciled on it. "Looks like it's from an Advent calendar." "A what?" Mulder asked. "A calendar to mark the days before Christmas," Scully explained. "You open a slot for each day, and some of them have chocolates behind them." "He's counting down to Christmas then," Mulder said. "Three more days." "You think that's when he means to take Natalie?" Grenier asked. "It means something to him." Mulder looked around the room. "I'm still not convinced he wants Natalie, though." "Why?" Scully asked. Mulder gestured around with one of his crutches. "Just look. There's no crib." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ It was after one in the morning by the time they got back to Mulder's place. Mulder used his last scrap of energy to drag himself to the bed, where he let Scully tuck him under the covers. She looked as bad as he felt, with the circles under her eyes and his blood still dotting her clothes. "Vicodin is one of the great discoveries of our time," he told her. She smiled and smoothed his hair. "Right up there with remote-control TV." Scully adjusted the covers first one way and then the other. He watched her for a minute before grabbing her hand. "Scully." "Hmm?" "You're fussing." "I'm not." She picked lint from his pillow with her free hand. Mulder smiled and kissed the center of her palm. "Come to bed," he told her. She halted, not looking at him. "You scared the life out of me today." "You and me both. Shot by a six year-old girl. Out of all the indignities I've suffered, Scully, that has to be the worst." "Well, I am glad you can laugh about it." He tugged her down against his chest. "I'm fine," he murmured in her ear. She hugged him tight. "This was not how I envisioned Christmas together," she said. "Oh? What did you have planned?" He stroked her hair. "Definitely less bloodshed." "Ah, so that's why you skipped the family get-together," he teased, and she poked him. They rested together in silence for a moment. At last, Scully eased away. "I should let you get some sleep," she said, cupping his cheek. "You must be exhausted." She started to leave but he stopped her. "Scully?" He waited until she looked at him. "Get the tests done, okay?" She hesitated a beat, studying his face, and then nodded. "I will." "Tomorrow?" "Mulder--" She stopped when he squeezed her hand hard. "Okay," she said with a sigh. "Tomorrow." She turned down the lights on her way out and Mulder drifted to the sounds of Scully getting ready for bed. Vicodin did its beautiful work. The next thing Mulder knew, the phone was ringing. He jerked awake, trying to clear his fuzzy head, and saw that Scully was not in bed. The clock read two-oh-nine. "Scully?" he called. The phone was out of his reach. Scully did not answer, so Mulder scooted over to the very edge of the bed and groped for the phone. "Hello?" he said roughly. "Mulder, Natalie's gone!" Amelia was hysterical on the other end. "I went to check on her, and she's gone!" "Grenier?" "He's on the way. So are the cops. I didn't hear anything! She was fine just a few hours ago. Oh, God. What am I going to do?" "I'm on my way," Mulder said. He replaced the phone. "Scully?" Light came from the hall but there was no sign of Scully. Mulder tried to make his heavy limbs cooperate. He grabbed the crutches and headed for the bathroom. "Scully, Natalie's missing. We have to--" He stopped short at the sight of Scully lying face down on the tile cold floor. Blood ran from her nose. "Scully!" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ End chapter five. Continued in chapter six. Thanks to Amanda for proofing! Sorry for the lengthy delay this time. With the new job, I don't get as much free time to write, and the bad eyestrain has prevented me from using what little time I do have. I do apologize for making you wait so long. Hopefully the time between chapters five and six won't be as bad. All feedback welcome at syn_tax6@yahoo.com