~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter Eight ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ They drove aimlessly through the stop-and-go morning rush hour traffic. The jerky motion of the car -- combined with terror, fatigue and the lancing pain in his leg -- made Mulder's vision blur and his stomach roil. He leaned against the car door and kept one hand shading his eyes to block out the ever-brightening sky. Every so often, Penelope would scream an obscenity and kick the back of his seat. "Knock it the fuck off," Grenier snapped. "Or we'll bind and gag you." She glowered at him in the rearview mirror. "You wouldn't." "I'd enjoy it," he shot back. "Go ahead. Try me just one more time and we'll find out." Penelope sank lower in the seat but said nothing. After a minute, Grenier looked at Mulder. "So where exactly am I headed?" "I don't know," Mulder muttered. "Pittsfield's calling the shots right now. Until he gives us some idea of where he wants to set up the meet, there's nothing we can do." "So we wait," Grenier said. He glanced at the dash. "We're going to need gas soon. And food. And, judging by the look of you, about two bottles of Tylenol." Mulder waved him off. "I'm fine. Just find a drive through or something. I don't want to have to get out of the car with her." "I'll go in and get us something." Mulder gestured weakly to his crutches and the bloody bandage wrapped around his leg. "I think we need your four limbs in the car." Even with a gun on his side, Mulder wasn't willing to chance being left alone with Penelope. The girl was uninjured and rested. "Okay, I'll stay with her." Mulder gave him a pointed look. "Not a good idea." "Be like old times," Penelope said darkly. Grenier scowled and gripped the wheel. "I'll find a McDonald's." "Fine." Mulder leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Traffic eased as Grenier steered them off the main drag, and they drove in blessed silence for a few minutes. "He wouldn't go back to that house," Grenier said after a while. "Not after he knows we were there. So where would he take her?" "I don't know. A church, maybe? Don't forget -- tomorrow is his big day." Grenier looked back at Penelope. "You got any ideas you want to share?" he asked her. "You know him better than any of us." "Help you find him so you can send me back?" she scoffed. "I don't think so." "You have to find him to get your daughter back," Mulder said. He shifted painfully to look at her. "What's her name?" Penelope paled. "He called her 'Lily,'" she whispered. "I wanted to name her Miriam. Miri for short." "Your mom's name," Mulder recalled instantly. "He locked me up if he heard me call her anything but 'Lily.'" "So then help us," Mulder said. "Help us get Miri back." Her face closed off once more. "I don't know where he is. Don't you get it? I was using you to get to him." She looked out the window. "Should have known better." Grenier turned into the McDonald's lot. "What do you want?" he asked Mulder. Mulder couldn't imagine eating. "Coffee, I guess. Penelope?" "Go to hell," she replied. "Get her a Coke," Mulder said wearily. "And a McMuffin or something." "Mulder-" "Look, when this gets out -- and it will -- you want her claiming we starved her?" "Fine," Grenier said, gripping the wheel. "A coke." "Make it diet," said Penelope. "I'll make it my fist if you don't sit there with your mouth shut," Grenier snapped. "I don't give a god damn fucking rat's ass about my job right now." He yelled their order into the speaker and drove around to pay. A middle-aged woman shivered at the window, waiting for their money. Grenier rolled down the car window with the money in hand. "Help me!" Mulder's seat rocked as Penelope lurched forward, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Someone help me! I've been kidnapped! Call the police!" The McDonald's employee looked horrified. Grenier flashed his ID. "Federal agents," he explained. "We're transporting a prisoner." The woman handed over their food without a word. "Help!" Penelope screamed again. "Get us the hell out of here!" Mulder yelled over the noise. Grenier gunned the engine, and soon they were back in traffic again. Penelope kicked the seat again, sloshing hot coffee over Mulder's hand. Grenier watched Mulder curse and clean up the mess. "Still want to feed her?" "Yeah, to a lion." Mulder dabbed at his pants with a napkin. "Just drive, okay? Get us somewhere out of sight." ~*~*~*~*~*~* Lying down, even with the chill in the room, it was hard not to sleep. Exhaustion had seeped into her very bones. Scully dragged her eyes back open and watched Pittsfield muttering and scribbling something on a tablet. Periodically, he would have to stop for a wracking cough. "I wish you would let me take a look at you," Scully said as he wiped the blood from his lips. "Nothing you can do." "I'm a doctor." He turned in his chair to look at her. "You might be a doctor, but you're not a healer. I fished you out of the hospital." "Hospitals can heal." "Fixed you up, did they?" When she did not answer, he nodded. "That's what I thought." "What makes you think Lily can do better?" "Her name is Angel," he corrected. In the corner, little Lily hugged her knees to her chest and looked at Scully. Scully met her eyes and Lily shook her head: drop it, she told her silently. Scully remembered the prison under the floorboards. "What makes you think Angel can heal you?" Scully tried again. "She's sent from God. I've always known." He turned around again and picked up his pen. Scully risked a glance at Lily, who looked terrified. "Your Angel left you," Scully said in a raised voice. "She's turned her back on you. Why should she help you now?" Pittsfield turned around again, lips thin with fury. "That's the Devil's talk," he said. "You stop your serpent's tongue right now or you're going straight to Hell." She saw the fear in his eyes. "It's not devil's talk. It's the truth, and you know it. She wants nothing to do with you." "You will NOT speak of her anymore!" He stood, shaking with rage. "Father, no!" Lily scrambled to her feet and ran between Pittsfield and Scully. "She doesn't understand. She doesn't know the Angel." "Out of my way, girl." He shoved her aside and advanced on Scully. "A little taste of Hell, that's what you need. Some time alone to search your soul." He grabbed Scully's arm and yanked her up. The room spun crazily around her. She was weak and dizzy. "Please," she said. "I'm sick, like you." Lily's sobs filled the room. Scully twisted, but Pittsfield held her fast. His fetid breath hit her face, nearly causing her to retch on the spot. He smelled like death. "You're sick in ways doctors can't fix," he said. "You need to turn to God." "I have," Scully gasped as he twisted her arm. His eyes narrowed. He studied her face, gaze boring into hers. "You've talked to Him?" "He's talked to me." Surprise flashed across Pittsfield's face. "Liar," he said, but he sounded less certain. "It's true." His gaze dropped to her neck, lingering at the gold cross. "If you've talked to him, then you'll know. When you see the Angel, you'll know that I am right about her." "Show me," Scully said, still breathing hard. God, please. Anything to get out of this little room. "Soon." He let her go and shuffled back across the floor, seeming lost in his own world again. "Soon we will all see." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mulder sipped his coffee. Everything he had been telling Amelia and Grenier yesterday -- that Pittsfield wasn't a murderer, that he had no need to hurt anyone -- he was now saying to himself. Scully, pregnant. Had she known? She would have told him if she'd known. Mulder rubbed his aching head. He almost wished he didn't know now. It made it hard to think about anything else. "Uh, Mulder?" "What?" "We've got company." Mulder looked at the side mirror and saw a black and white cop car gaining on them. "Shit," he said, turning around. The patrol unit had their lights on it. "They're after us, all right. Go!" Grenier hit the accelerator. "The McDonald's woman." "Maybe." Mulder looked back again. "But Paul Pratt knows the score now. We're AWOL with a federal prisoner. You can be sure he called out the militia too." Grenier passed a car on the right going sixty miles per hour. "We keep running and he's going to call for backup. We'll have a dozen black and whites on our tail and a chopper in the air. Pittsfield will be able to watch us all over the noontime news." "You got a better idea?" They had reached a wide, open road. Pine trees lined the street and traffic was sparse. The cop continued to dog them a few yards behind. "I still say the McDonald's woman called it in. We pull over, show him our ID, and he goes away happy." "And if he calls Pratt?" "Cross that bridge when we get there." Grenier pulled over along the shoulder and the cop pulled in behind him. "You," Grenier said to Penelope in the mirror. "If you ever want to breathe free air again, you'll keep your mouth shut." The uniformed cop got out with his gun drawn. "Hands where I can see them!" he yelled. Mulder and Grenier both put their palms on the inside of the windshield as the officer approached their car. The cop looked at Penelope in the back seat. "Help," she hollered. "Help me! They've kidnapped me! Please help!" "We're fucked," Mulder whispered. The cop went to the back door, gun still aimed at Grenier and Mulder. "Open this door!" Grenier didn't move. "Open it now!" Grenier moved one hand and hit the locks. "We're federal agents," he said. "We're transporting a prisoner!" "They're lying," Penelope sniffled as the cop helped her out of the back seat. "We have ID!" Grenier tried again. "Ma'am, are you okay?" the cop asked. "They kidnapped me," she said. "I was so scared." "Let's see this ID," the cop told Grenier in a hard voice. He took one step and Penelope tripped him. As he fell into the slush and mud, he lost the gun. Penelope grabbed it with her still-handcuffed hands. "Don't move," she ordered the cop. The gun shook as she pointed it at Grenier and Mulder. "Throw your guns out the window," she said. "Do it now." "Now we're fucked," Grenier muttered to Mulder. "God damn pansy-assed rookie." They threw their weapons out into the snow. Penelope moved and kicked each one well clear of the car. The cop twitched on the ground, and she pointed the gun at him. "Don't even think about it. I'll shoot your balls off. Get up." He got to his feet. "Get in the car. Go on, move!" The cop climbed in the back seat behind Mulder. Penelope got in as well. "Drive," she told Grenier. "Or I'll blow his brains out in the backseat of your precious car." Grenier pulled the car back out onto the road. "We told you so," he told the cop. "Shut the fuck up," Penelope replied. "Penelope, listen..." Mulder began, but she cut him off with a sharp kick to the back of his seat. He was flung forward against his seatbelt. "You shut up too! The both of you make me sick." "We're trying to help you," Mulder said. "You're trying to help yourselves. Who was there to trade for me seventeen years ago, huh? No one was making any deals then. Well, I'm in charge now. I'm not some stupid kid dependent on useless assholes to make things happen." Mulder's cell phone rang. "That's probably him," he said. "What do you want me to do?" "Answer it." "Mulder," Mulder said into the phone. His answer was a terrible coughing on the other end. "You have the girl?" a voice wheezed at last. "Yes, we have her. I want to talk to Scully." "Not this time. Bring the girl to Jerusalem. You'll find us at the Temple of David." "I don't know where that is." "My Angel knows. Bring her tonight by midnight, or Agent Scully goes to Hell." "Pittsfield, wait--" The other man hung up in Mulder's ear. "What did he say?" Penelope demanded. "He said to bring you to Jerusalem, to the Temple of David. He said you would know where that is." Penelope looked blank for a few seconds, and then recognition seemed to dawn. "Keep driving," she said. "We're going to need gas," Grenier told her. "Not for where you're going." Twenty minutes later, she had them standing out in a field, that, while not in the middle of nowhere, was a good ten miles from any town. "I want the keys to the cuffs," she told Grenier. He threw them into the snow at her feet, and she bent down and grabbed them with the pinky of one hand. "Now the cell phones," she ordered. "And the walkie-talkie." When she had stripped them all of their communication devices, she loaded her booty in the car and got in the driver's seat. "I don't know if he's right about Hell," she yelled out at them. "But if there is such a place, I will see you all there." The car's wheels spun in the snow and she drove out of sight. Mulder wobbled. "She has my crutches," he said. "God damn it!" Grenier said, kicking the snow. The cop looked at the main road off in the distance. "I know a short cut to town," he said. "But it's still over six miles to the nearest house." "Go," Mulder said. "You'll be faster without me." "I can't leave you here," Grenier said. "You can't afford not to. Someone has to tell Pratt what's going on." "Tell him what? When last seen, Penelope said she was driving to the West Bank?" "Tell him whatever you have to get her back. If Pittsfield finds her first, there's no telling what could happen to Scully." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mulder hobbled to the tree line and located a long, solid stick he could use as a temporary crutch. "Now we're well and truly fucked," he said to trees. He found a large, wet rock to lean on while he waited for Grenier to get back with help. Grenier would have had enough sense not to go to the cops, of course -- except thanks to Penelope they had their own personal police escort. No way they were going to stop the local boy from telling his story. He tried to think like Penelope. She wanted her daughter back, so she would take the meeting with Pittsfield. She also had a gun. So did Pittsfield. Two people with nothing left to lose and a pair of firearms between them. Mulder did not like the odds. He took small comfort in the fact that nobody actively wanted to harm Scully, but the creeping sense of dread inside him threatened to overwhelm even this small highlight. Once Pittsfield had Penelope back under his control, he would have no further use for Scully. Mulder noticed Pittsfield had a poor track record when it came to letting people go. Grenier must have stepped double-time, because he returned in a cruiser within an hour and a half. "They've already got an APB out for Penelope," he said as helped Mulder into the backseat of the car. Mulder accepted both a blanket and a hot cup of coffee. Grenier climbed in beside him. "She can't be arrested," Mulder told Grenier in a low, urgent voice. "If she fails to show, Pittsfield will take it out on Scully." Grenier looked at their driver, a young cop who was listening openly. "I don't think there's much we can do about it at this point," he muttered. "I have to try." Mulder leaned forward to the front seat. He noted the wedding band on the young cop's finger. "What's your name?" Wary, the kid met Mulder's eyes in the mirror. "Looney, Sir. Alan Looney." Mulder smiled. "Hell of a name, Looney. Your wife take it up when you married her?" "Uh, yes, Sir." Looney tightened his hands on the wheel. "She said, um. She said we could be Looney together." "That's sweet. Real nice." Mulder scooted closer. "What if someone wanted to kill her?" The car swerved briefly off the road. "Excuse me?" "If a madman were holding your wife hostage and wanted to kill her. What would you do?" "I--I can't say." "Sure you can." There was a long silence. "I guess I'd hunt him down and kill him with my bare hands," Looney said at last. "Sir." "Right." Mulder leaned back in the seat as a wave of pain overtook him. "Looney, I'm going to need to you do us a little favor." "Mulder--" Grenier's voice rose in warning. "Looney, your little colleague made a huge mistake today. His fuckup cost us our prisoner, and now a woman may end up dead. You have a choice. You can compound that mistake and wind up with blood on your hands too, or you can help us fix it and maybe rescue three people in the deal. What's it going to be?" "Sir?" "It's like this," Mulder began. Five minutes later, Looney drove them past the sleepy little police station without even slowing down. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Christmas Eve fell dark as an executioner's hood, the cold air sharp as a blade. Shortly after dark, Pittsfield hustled Scully and Lily out to his old rusted sedan. He gave her an old coat to wear over her hospital gown and a pair of enormous galoshes. Scully stumbled on the slippery path, but he held her tight by the arm. He had a vise-like grip for someone so ill. "You're not going to pass out on me again, are you now?" Scully shook her head. "Where are we going?" "To meet your Agent Mulder, if he has any sense. Let's hope for both our sakes he comes through." They reached the car and he yanked open the door. "Hurry, then. We're late as it is." He shoved Lily in the backseat and went around to the driver's side. The high moon shone like a pearl, illuminating the steely glint of the gun in Pittsfield's waistband. Scully glanced at the frightened little girl huddled behind her. Any move she made would have to take Lily into account too. Pittsfield was crazy but he wasn't stupid; he was careful to keep the gun out of Scully's reach as he climbed behind the wheel. Jerusalem, he had said to Mulder on the phone when naming their meeting place. The Temple of David. Surely even Pittsfield wasn't insane enough to believe he could drive across the ocean. Could he mean to rendezvous with Mulder at an airport? ~*~*~*~*~ The convenient thing about commandeering a squad car was that it let them listen to the scanner. "At least we know she hasn't been picked up yet," Grenier said. Even Mulder's teeth hurt. It took all his concentration just to form words. "I still think he'd go to a church." "Which one? And on Christmas Eve? There's going to be people everywhere!" "You have a better idea?" "Maybe a temple. He said the Temple of David." "In *Jerusalem*," Mulder pointed out testily. "You want us to catch a plane? If we left now we still wouldn't make the midnight deadline." Quite until then, Looney pointed at north. "Or," he said, "we could just go this way." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Pittsfield pointed the car north and took off as fast as he could without attracting the attention of authorities. Their sedan rattled at high speed. Pittsfield kept the heater on full blast; every cell in Scully's body seemed to evaporate. In the mirror, she could see Lily wide-eyed and silent in the back seat. They crossed the border into Pennsylvania around ten. Pittsfield drove without hesitation, making quick turns and eventually settling on a lonely back country road. The Chevy rolled and bounced along a black, tree-lined corridor. "It shall be a sign unto you," Pittsfield said -- the first words he had spoken in hours. Scully jerked from her thoughts in time to note the faded sign on the side of the road. "Jerusalem," it said. "Next right." ~*~*~*~ Nearly two thousand years after Christ's death, the little town of Jerusalem, Pennsylvania was aglow in celebration of his birth. Lights twinkled on houses and trees; candles shone in the windows. Lily pressed her nose to the car window as Pittsfield navigated the residential streets. They passed an enormous blow-up figure that reminded Scully of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from "Ghostbusters." Gradually the lights grew more infrequent, the houses dark and quiet. At the end of one street Scully spotted their destination: a Jewish synagogue called the Temple of David. Pittsfield pulled in and drove around to the back. "Is she here?" Lily asked, her voice quavering. "Not yet, child. Come now. We'll go inside and wait." Wind whistled in her ears as she got out of the car, but Scully knew immediately they had beaten Mulder to the punch. Years on the job told her how to sense a sting. She didn't have to look to the bushes to know she was on her own. Lily snuggled against her, shivering, while Pittsfield jimmied open the back door to the synagogue. At night, with the lights and heat off, it was like walking into a crypt. Pittsfield guided them into the main temple. His hacking cough echoed off the high ceiling and bare walls. Moonlight shone through the narrow windows, illuminating odd corners and casting long shadows. "It won't be long now," Pittsfield told them as he sank down onto a bench. Lily sat next to him. "What if she doesn't come?" Pittsfield pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth. "She'll come." "But what if she doesn't?" Pittsfield stroked her hair a moment before answering. "Then we'll all go to Hell together, now won't we?" ~*~*~ Scully was ticking through her scant options -- grab the girl and run; try to overpower Pittsfield in her weakened state -- when they heard the back door to the temple open and close. Lily tensed. Pittsfield held a finger to his lips and pulled out his gun. Silent as they were, Scully heard the faint footsteps growing closer. Not Mulder; she knew the sound of his walk cold. But whoever it was had come alone. Pittsfield rose, his expression expectant. A shadowed figure slipped into the far side of the room. Scully took in the slight build and the long blond hair. Oh, my God. Penelope. "You're just in time, my dear," Pittsfield said. "What did you do with Mulder?" Penelope raised her arm and Scully saw the shining barrel of a gun. "I want my daughter." Pittsfield chuckled. "Put down that silly gun. We both know you won't use it." "I want my daughter back now, you son of a bitch!" "We all make sacrifices. Have you learned nothing? You do as I say and Heaven will be your reward." Penelope's trembling voice floated across the room. "Miri? Lily? Sweetie, come to Momma." Lily's face was stark white and terrified. "Father, please," she whispered. Pittsfield clucked at her and drew her to his side. "Everything will be just fine." "Don't hurt her!" Penelope cried. "Don't be such a simpering idiot," Pittsfield snapped. "I have always done what's best for this child. You're the one waving the gun around. Can't you see you're frightening her?" Penelope moved into a beam of light. Scully saw tears streaking her cheeks. "I'm sorry. Baby, I'm sorry. I want to help you. Please come here. We'll go away. We'll go somewhere where he can't ever hurt us again." Lily clung to Pittsfield and buried her face in his leg. "Make her stop," she said. "Do you see that?" Pittsfield called. "She wants you to stop. She doesn't want to go with you. Unlike you, she knows she can't fight the Lord's destiny." "Baby, please." Voice hoarse, Penelope tried again. The gun shook in her hand. "Please just come with me. I would do anything for you. I love you. Please, please come over here." Lily scrunched up tighter, as if blocking the words out. Pittsfield grew impatient. "She doesn't love you. She doesn't even remember you. Stop this ridiculous nonsense and put down the gun. I don't want to hurt you." "Oh, that's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard!" "Put down the gun and come here." He raised his own weapon and pointed it at her head. "That's rich." She staggered back, laughing and sobbing at the same time. "You won't kill me. You need me, remember?" Pittsfield seemed to hesitate. "Well, you can't have me." She turned the gun around and pointed it at her chest. Scully stepped forward. "Penelope, don't!" "I'll see you in Hell," she said, and fired one shot into her chest. The gunshot echoed with Lily's high-pitched scream. Penelope slumped to the floor. Scully raced across the room to the injured woman. "God, no!" Pittsfield followed close behind. "What have you done?" Blood leaked out of a small round hole in Penelope's chest. Scully immediately applied pressure to the wound. The girl coughed, head lolling to the side. "Stay with me," Scully said. "You're going to be okay." Pittsfield hovered while Lily sobbed. "Do something!" he implored Scully. "She needs a hospital," she yelled back. "If you want to save her, you'll call nine one one." But he just stood there as the life force spilled out of her. The blood was warm and slippery between Scully's fingers. "Come on, Penelope," Scully said. "Stay with me here." Her eyes had closed. "My name is Lily," she whispered. And then was still. ~*~*~*~*~*~ End chapter eight. Continued in chapter nine. Oodles of thanks to Amanda for proofing! Definitely the home stretch. Thanks to those reading along! Talk evil to me, baby: syn_tax6@yahoo.com