XxXxX Chapter Thirteen XxXxX Mulder ran through the gate and into the middle of the slick, shiny street. He stopped, turned frantically in one direction then the next, but there was no one to be seen. The wind blew hard, sending a shower of fat, cold drops down upon him. In the distance, he could hear the rush of a car passing through a deep puddle. Taillights winked at him from several blocks away, rounding the corner and disappearing into the black night. Gone. He bent over, gulping in sharp breaths of air that burned his lungs. Footsteps behind him, heavy boots on the wet pavement, and Grenier's angry voice. "Gone as in fucking not here. Yes, that's what I'm saying." Mulder stood up slowly and turned to see Grenier glaring at him as he growled into the walkie- talkie. "A car, a person...hell, even a goddamn shadow! Did you see fucking *anything*?" Mulder's gaze flickered to Russell, who lingered just outside the gate. She ducked back inside, but not before he caught the censure in her eyes. No one had seen anything, he knew as she did, because they had all been on the other side of the park, mistaking him for a suspect. Not more than five minutes. Just long enough for his world to crack open and leave him bleeding raw fear into the empty street. "Anything?" he asked as Grenier lowered his walkie-talkie. The other man shot him a long, disgusted look. "Venaldi saw a large black sedan drive past on the east side of the park about fifteen minutes ago. That's it." Mulder's panic ratcheted up another notch. "That's not enough. What about the men on point in the cars? What about --" "There's nothing!" Grenier roared, taking a step closer. "Every pair of eyes was over on the west side with you, you asshole. God damn it." "We've got to figure out where he's taking her," Mulder said. "It's the only chance." "We," Grenier cut in, "are not going to do a damn thing. I'm having you arrested for interfering with a federal investigation. And when this is over, I am damn sure going to have your badge for this." He signaled to two nearby agents. "Nickerson, Zuffy, take him in." They looked uncertain. Grenier whirled on them. "I said now, Agents!" Mulder's heart pounded painfully inside his chest, his anger rising. "We're wasting time," he said. "We need to go back over the..." Nickerson grabbed his arm, but Mulder shook him off. "NO! Fuck you, Grenier. This is it, when seconds matter, and I know you hate it, I know you hate me but I am the one who can do this. I'm the one who can get inside this guy's head. After, after we find her, if you want to have it out, if you want to fucking duel at twenty paces, then I will be there. But right now, you have an agent MISSING, Adam, and we don't have TIME to fuck around with the slow, careful way!" Grenier looked like he might take a swing at him. "And whose fault is that?" "Jesus," Mulder said, pushing past the confused, younger agents. "You want to hear me say it?" he called over his shoulder as he stalked back in the direction of his car. "If I tell you what you want to hear, then can we start looking? I did it! Okay, I did it! I caused the distraction. Happy now?" He could hear Grenier on his tail. "You were always a fuck- up. I was the only one who could see the truth." Mulder halted abruptly, and with one quick motion, grabbed Grenier by his coat. "She has hours! Don't you understand that? In a few hours it's not going to matter whose fault it was!" The fight seemed to leave Grenier immediately, and up close Mulder could see the fear in his eyes. His lips were colorless, his breathing shallow. "Okay, then. What the fuck are we going to do? Where would he take her?" Mulder released his fists and tried to tamp down his rising tremble. "I don't know yet," he admitted. "But we sure as hell aren't going to find out standing here." XxXxX Scully braced as best she could against the cramped, slippery walls of the trunk, but her feet were tightly bound and she could no longer feel her arms behind her back. She concentrated on taking slow breaths and trying to figure out where she was being taken. Probably well outside of the city, she guessed, estimating they had been driving for most of an hour. Most of it at high speeds, so they had been on one highway or another. But when the car began a steep upward climb, her thoughts spun dizzily, threatening to spiral out of control. Up the mountain again. Trapped in the trunk. Up, up, and away. Gone. Flashes of her previous struggle sprang alive in her memory -- tied, gagged and fighting Duane Barry every stumbling step into the wind. She squeezed her eyes shut against the breathless, paralyzing terror. Stop it, stop it. Think about now. Think about how to get out. The car slowed, taking several winding turns, but still climbing a steep grade. One particularly large bump caused Scully to hit her temple on the car jack. The pain gave her focus. There was no way to overpower him from the trunk of a car -- no element of surprise, no leverage and no mobility, given her bound hands and feet. She tried twisting her wrists to loosen the tape, but only managed to dig the edges further into her skin. Panting through her nose from the effort, she laid her cheek on the gritty floor of the trunk. *Think* she ordered herself, stretching as much as she could within the confined space. More pain. Something hard pressed against her hip, trapped between her body and the unforgiving floor. She wriggled but the object moved with her. Her cell phone. Thank God. Bracing her feet on the side of the trunk, she gained enough leverage to roll over. The deep muscles in her shoulders screamed though every painful inch. Phone, phone. Her heart pounded the word over and over. She flexed her numb fingers, but they were helpless, tied behind her back. The phone remained sagging in her pocket near her waist. Scrunching up her legs, she tried to fold herself inward enough that she might nudge the phone with her chin. A contortionist she was not. The tendons on her neck burned and stretched; her joints creaked loudly in the blackness. She sucked the tape over her mouth in and out as she struggled, ripping the top layer of skin from her lips. Her chin grazed the pocket of her windbreaker, but the phone just slipped around inside. Momentary tears of frustration stung in her eyes, and she rested, breathing hard and tangled in the dark. XxXxX "You've caused enough trouble," Grenier growled as he grabbed Mulder's car keys. "The last thing I need right now is to be scraping your brains off the pavement after you've crashed this thing." "Come with us," Russell added. "It's better anyway." "Whatever," Mulder said as he climbed in the back of their car. "Let's just get moving." "Where would he go?" Russell asked in the car. "Indoors, right? Even though the bodies are..." Mulder flinched, and Russell halted, clearing her throat. She continued in a softer tone. "Even though they're found outside, he must take them inside for a period of time. He needs privacy for what he does." Mulder gave a short nod, his leg bouncing nervously in the back seat. "He's got a place somewhere, yeah. Someplace cheap, with few neighbors." "We've still got men at the other address," Grenier said. "Just in case he shows up there. And we're watching Scully's place now, too." "Scully's place?" Mulder said. "Why?" "He likes their shoes, right? Maybe he wants them to model. It's a shot in the dark, but it's better than nothing." "Yeah, okay," Mulder agreed. A thought hit him. "Her phone! Does she have her phone with her?" "I don't know," Grenier said, but Mulder was already digging out his phone. "I gave orders that all phones were supposed to be off, in any case. It's SOP." "No answer," Mulder said a moment later. He leaned forward into the front seat. "Have someone keep trying. And if it rings through, let me at him." XxXxX Her arms had gone from numb to shooting pain, and the phone still lay in her pocket. She had managed to widen the mouth of the pocket with her chin, but she couldn't get the phone free. Dirt in her eyes caused them to fill with tears, which then ran down her face and glued sticky strands of hair to her cheeks. Carl had slowed the car further; time was running out. Frantic, she tried rolling back and forth to slide the phone out of her pocket, but the angle was wrong. She felt her one chance slipping away. The air was thinning; she felt dizzy and weak, and the fear of carbon monoxide poisoning caused a shiver up her spine. Even her teeth seemed to ache from the exertion. She lay on her back, trapping her arms beneath her, but the pain barely registered anymore. Any minute, he was going to stop the car and pull her out. He would have a knife, and... Scully swallowed hard against her gag reflex. Thinkthinkthink. One last try. With grim determination, she braced her feet against the side of the trunk and her knees against the top. Her squashed arms radiated with hurt, but she ignored their complaint and began rocking back and forth, inching her knees over her head. The process was agonizing, slow enough that she felt her muscles nearly tearing from her bones. She stopped every few seconds to catch her breath. Halfway though a full back-flip, she felt the phone drop out of her pocket and onto her chest. She froze, cramped and crooked, so it wouldn't slide off into a dark corner somewhere. *How the hell do I turn it on?* Her fingers no longer responded to her command. She couldn't tell if they were even moving. Worth a try, she thought, turning in pain-filled millimeters to her right side. The car stopped. Scully went limp, her heart pumping so fast there was no space between the beats. The rush of blood roared in her ears. Outside, she heard crunching footsteps. The sound of the trunk popping was like a gunshot; she jumped as the lid cracked open. "Well, well, well," he said, pinning her with a beam of bright white light. "What do we have here?" Her eye muscles jerked in spasms. She squinted up at his looming silhouette, unable to see his face. He passed the flashlight beam over her in a lingering caress, ending with a long look at her feet. "We're going to have so much fun," he murmured. Scully saw a flash of his hand, and then he had by the hair, tangling a fistful in his fingers until tears pricked her eyes. "Oh, yes, we are." She squirmed and he yanked her back in place. "Stop that." He released his grip, then pulled a knife in front of her, bringing it down to her face and illuminating the toothed edge with his flashlight. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he said. "But it's going to be my way no matter what. Understand?" Scully gave a small nod. "Very good." He slid the knife blade lightly along her cheek. "Let's get started then." As he bent to release her feet, Scully stared up at the darkness. Trees, she thought. It smelled like the woods. "What the fuck is this?" He held up her cell phone. "You are a nervy one, aren't you, baby? But I don't think you'll be needing this any time soon." He pocketed the phone, and Scully closed her eyes. The tape on her feet ripped open under his blade, and her legs shook with weak relief. Carl hummed as he worked. "Okay now," he said, hoisting her out of the trunk by her waist. She trembled and nearly fell to the ground. "Move." The knife blade reappeared at her neck, and Scully took several stumbling steps forward. Behind her, Carl shone the flashlight into the dirt path ahead. Scully's stomach clenched when she saw the tracks at her feet -- pointed toes and tiny, round heels. Where the others had gone before. A death march, she thought, and Carl shoved her along. One step closer. XxXxX The BSU meeting room was a grisly shrine to Carl Quentin. Pictures of the victims hung on the wall, with the latest three given a prominent position in the center. Mulder pulled Beth Kinney's photo down. "He didn't do this one." "So you've mentioned," Grenier snapped. He made a sweeping gesture to the rest of the horrific pictures. "But what about all the rest? Take a look, Mulder. Take another good look at what this animal can do." "Shut up, Adam," Russell said. "It's not helping." Mulder sank into a chair, his head in his hands. He didn't need to look. The images came fast and furious whether he wanted them or not. Bare white necks covered in bruises, limbs askew and vacant, unseeing eyes. He raised his head and stared at the long line of faces. Under each girl, there was a picture of the shoes she had been wearing at the time of her abduction. The shoes weren't recovered, of course; they'd had copies sent from the manufacturers. "They never found the shoes," Mulder murmured. "What?" Russell asked. Mulder stood and walked to the photographs. "The shoes. They never found them." He turned to Arkin. "What address did Quentin give when he was arrested in '88?" "Uh..." Arkin pawed through the papers on the conference table until he found the correct folder. "Baltimore. He was living with his cousin." "The hell he was. There's no way Quentin could have been bringing the women home and not have the cousin know about it." "Maybe he did know about it," Grenier said, his eyes glinting. "Have we got someone on the cousin?" "He moved to Atlanta in 1991," Russell said. "We checked earlier, and the house belongs to a newlywed couple now." Mulder shook his head. "Did they search the house in '88?" "Yeah," Arkin said, consulting the reports. "The cops suspected Quentin might be responsible for a half dozen muggings in the Beltsville area at the time. They tossed the cousin's place right after Quentin was arrested. No other incriminating evidence was found." "That's it," Mulder said. "He's taking them all to the same spot, the same place he used eleven years ago." He looked at Arkin. "Get the cousin on the phone. I want to know if the family owned any other property, had any usual vacation spots, any place Quentin might go." "You got it." Mulder glanced at the clock and felt the second hand's movement vibrate inside him as it ticked away the time. Two hours had already passed. XxXxX The first thing she saw was blood on the sheets. Rumpled, white sheets streaked with red-brown smears. There were pieces of rope tied to the bars of the headboard. "I have everything prepared for you already," he said from behind her. "I've been waiting a long time." Scully tried to stop shaking. The cabin was cold, dirty, and there wasn't much light. Her legs were wobbly, and her hands were still tied tightly behind her back. Quentin had yet to lower his knife. He kept it at her neck as he walked around in front of her. She drew back just an inch at the sight of him, so different than the mug shot she had seen earlier. Blond, spiky hair replaced his previous dark brown. There was a scar on his left cheek, and he had lost a lot of weight. "Surprise!" he said, grinning, and she saw he was missing a front tooth now, too. "It's me, the man you've been looking for!" He reached out with his free and touched her hair. "I bet you never dreamed I was this close. I've never had an FBI agent before." Agent, thought Scully wildly, that's it! If she could just engage him as an agent instead of a victim, she might buy herself some time. She forced herself to stay still under his stroking. "If I take the tape off, will you scream?" She shook her head slowly, holding his gaze. He tilted his head as if appraising her. "Okay, I'll do it. But remember there's more where this came from." He took the edge of the tape and yanked. Scully gasped as more of her skin ripped away. Quentin laughed. "Stings, don't it?" "Thank you," she said, hoping to catch him off guard with non-confrontational approach. Quentin appeared unfazed. "Get in the bed," he ordered. The knife gleamed in his hand. Scully swallowed with difficulty and took a tentative step toward the bed. Something else, she thought desperately, something else he might want from you. "Carl, please..." He caught her hair. "What? What did you call me?" She gritted her teeth through the pain. "Carl Quentin. It's your name, isn't it?" "And how the fuck did you know that?" Scully felt a surge of relief. She had him going now. "Mulder found you. In Ohio." "Fuck," he said, and the knife point nicked her throat. "That sonofabitch." "We know about Dee-Ann and..." Her addled brain struggled to come up with the name. "...and Susan Perry." "Bitches, both of them." He pushed her closer to the bed. "Keep moving." Scully's gaze caught the line of shoes he had displayed on shelf by the bed, all familiar pairs from the photos she'd seen in the dead women's folders. Except the end pair. Black, open-toed sandals. A pair she had bought at Gucci on impulse last year. "You''ve been in my house." He shoved her down onto the filthy sheets. "Several times," he told her with a grin. "And you never even knew it, did you? You think you're so hot, but you don't know so many things." "Mulder knows who you are," she pressed, trying not to watch as he readied the rope. "He'll find you here in no time." "Fuck Mulder," Quentin said, his smile gone. "He's a nothing, an idiot, do you understand me? All those years and he never figured it out. He thinks he's got me now...why? Because of a name? He knows *nothing*!" "He found your first murders. He can find--" She broke off, wheezing as his hand closed around her throat. "Shut up! Mulder's a goddamn cocksucker who couldn't find his ass with both hands. I've got news for you, honeybitch - - Mulder's never gonna find me. He believes every lie in press about me. Looks in all the wrong places. Trust me, we're not going to have any interruptions." He released his grip, and Scully coughed, sucking in painful breaths. "What lies?" she croaked. "Ah, ah, ah." His grin was back, and he wagged a finger at her. "A good little agent would have figured it out on her own. Maybe that's Mulder's problem, huh? He's been hanging out in the ghetto too much." What lies? Scully thought, frantic as he slit the tape behind her back. Her hands throbbed as the blood returned. It was a brief respite, because he immediately shackled one arm to the headboard. "There we go. Nice and tight." Scully fought her panic and looked around the room for something, anything, to get him talking again. Below the shoes he had taped dozens of newspaper reports on the killings, but it was too dark for her to read anything more than the headlines. POLICE SUSPECT SERIAL KILLER AFTER THIRD VICTIM FOUND DC SLAYER CLAIMS SEVENTH VICTIM; POLICE CLAIM NEW LEADS MAYOR CALMS PANICKED CITY Then, the new ones: INTERN, 22, FOUND MURDERED ARCHITECT MURDERED; POLICE SEEK CAB DRIVER Wait, she thought, wait. Where was Elizabeth? Leaning over to tie down her other arm, he blocked her view of the newspaper articles. She counted the shoes instead. Nine. Nine pairs, not counting hers. Ten bodies. No mask. "It wasn't you," she whispered, and Carl froze. XxXxX End Chapter Thirteen. Continued in Chapter Fourteen. Thanks to my wonderful beta readers, Alanna, Alicia and Jerry. I am grateful for your help. Feedback is always welcome at