XxXxX Chapter Fourteen XxXxX "Is this Steven Lynch?" Mulder paced as far as the conference room phone cord would allow. "Yes," said the man on the other end, his voice sleepy and annoyed. "And it's four in the morning. Who is this?" "Mr. Lynch, my name is Fox Mulder. I'm an agent at the FBI, and --" "I told the man last week that I hadn't seen him." Mulder halted his pacing. "Excuse me?" "Carl," said Lynch with impatience. "When the man called yesterday to ask about him, I said I hadn't seen or spoken to Carl in over ten years. I thought he was still in prison." "Do you have any idea where he might be now?" Mulder asked. "No, like I said, I moved away and haven't talked with him since." A pause. "The sick freak, attacking that woman like he did." "Mr. Lynch, it is extremely important that we find Carl right away. Can you think of anywhere he might have gone? Friends, other relatives, favorite places...anything." There was a short silence on the other end. "What did he do this time?" "Mr. Lynch, please..." "It's something bad, right? He's killed a girl this time, I bet." "He has my partner," Mulder snapped, running a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath. "He took her and we need to find them fast. So please, think. Where would he go?" "I...I wish I knew. He went someplace when he stayed with me -- sometimes he didn't come home for days. When I asked him about it, he said he had a girlfriend." "Any idea who that might have been?" "No. I never saw him with any woman, to be honest." Mulder's heart clenched and fell, sweat breaking out on the back of his neck. His one lead was dimming fast. "Did your family have any other property in the area? Somewhere else he might go?" "We weren't like the Rockefellers, Agent Mulder. That house I sold in Baltimore was the only one my family has ever owned up there." Mulder said nothing. He hurled the phone receiver at the wall, where it bounced off and fell to the floor, dragging the rest of the phone with it. The air crackled but nobody moved; Grenier, Russell and Arkin stood stock-still, watching as he took several ragged breaths. "What, um, what should we do now?" Russell asked at length. Mulder walked to the door, not answering. At the threshold, he paused without turning around. "I don't know," he said, and left. XxXxX Vice-like, his fingers grabbed her chin. "What did you just say?" His eyes flashed fever-bright, his breath warm and fetid as he leaned over her. Scully quivered but held his gaze. "The murder in the park," she said. "It wasn't you." "Heh." He released his grip and stroked the side of her face. "Not bad, FBI woman. I'm impressed. Russell and Grenier, I didn't expect them to get it, but Mulder..." He trailed off. "He's not what they said he was. He's not the best, or he would have known it wasn't me." "He knows your name," Scully said again, her breathing shallow. The ropes bit into her wrists. "It's only a matter of time before he finds you here." Carl laughed, a harsh, humorless sound that grated all the way to her bones. "Baby, Mulder had twelve fucking years to find this place. I don't think he's gonna come sniffing around here now." He leaned down, pressing his full weight on her, and put his lips right next to her ear. "We're all alone." Scully turned her head. "Get off of me." "Get off of me," Carl mimicked. He pulled back and grinned. "I'll get off, all right, baby. Yeah." Scully swallowed, watching him rub the bulge in his pants. Fear tingled all the way to her toes. "I'm the only one who knows," she said, struggling to sound strong. "Shut up." He licked his lips and reached for the button on her jeans. Her heart lurched. Instinctively, she drew up her legs, twisting away from him. He slammed her back into position with one swift motion. "Do that again and I'll break your knees." One hot tear leaked down her temple and into her hair. She squeezed her eyes closed as he yanked down her pants. "I'm the only one who knows it wasn't you," she repeated. "I can tell them and set the record straight." "That so." He snorted as pulled off her boots and socks. They hit the floor with a thud, and he discarded her pants as well. "I bet you'd have lots to tell them now, wouldn't you, baby? Bet they'd love to hear all about it." As he went to retrieve her spiked heels from his trophy shelf, Scully tugged hard on her restraints. The knots rubbed her skin raw, and bars of the headboard rattled. Carl didn't even bother to turn around. "It's not worth the struggle, I promise you. The others tried to get loose, too, but they only managed to work themselves into a sweat." Her heart in her throat, Scully kept yanking. The left bar was loose, wobbling back and forth with each frantic pull. Carl frowned as he approached the bed. "Don't make me tie your feet, too. I hate it when I have to do that." Scully trembled, weak from fear and exhaustion. She jerked at his touch on her leg. "Listen, you're right. Mulder has no idea. He doesn't know where you are, he doesn't know about the girl in the park, he doesn't know anything about what you're really like." "He knows what I'm like," Carl said calmly, as he slipped her left shoe on her foot. He smiled at her. "And soon you'll know, too." "But don't you want him to know he was wrong?" she persisted. "He should have known it wasn't your work. Look how quickly I figured it out. Mulder is a coward, a fraud." "Damn straight," Carl said. His lips tightened into a grim line. He moved to put on her other shoe, but Scully kept talking, trying to make him listen. "We could...we could tell him," she said. "We could show him how wrong he was." Carl rubbed her foot, seeming distracted by the velvety contours. "And how are we going to do that?" Her heart thudded. This was it. The last shot. "We could call him." Carl's head snapped up, and he looked at her with narrowed eyes. "You think I'm an idiot? You think I don't know about traces?" "The cell phone," she said quickly, the words tumbling out through her terror-numbed lips. "They can't trace it except to a general area. Here in the woods there'd be no time for them to figure it out." He ran icy fingers up her calf, tracing the curve of her knee, and Scully willed herself not to shudder. "You got him on speed dial, huh? Yeah, I'll just bet you do." She moved her foot to his lap, but her caress came out as more of a spasm. He didn't seem to care. "Just think about it," she said hoarsely. "You've got me here, trapped. Don't you want Mulder to know about it? Don't you want him to know that you've won?" He cupped her foot, stilling her movements. "Maybe I'll let him listen to you scream. Would you liked that?" Scully flinched at his words, turning her head away. The row of shoes loomed on the shelf to her right. She stared at their pretty bows and sequins and wondered if she was going to die. Carl shifted on the bed, his heavy hand lifting from her foot, and Scully dared to glance at him again. He'd pulled out her phone. "He was number one on your home phone," Carl said. "I called him but I didn't leave a message." He patted her calf. "What message should we give him now, do you think?" Scully said nothing. *Turn it on* she willed him. *Just turn it on.* Like magic, he did. "Let's see, baby. He might be too busy to come play with us now. Maybe he's still jerking off in the park. What do you think?" Her pulse picked up, hammering in her throat as she saw him hit the first memory key. He was actually going to dial. Oh, please, she thought, twisting again at her restraints. The ropes held fast. "It's ringing," Carl told her with a gleeful grin, and Scully began to pray. XxXxX Mulder was in the hallway leaning against the wall when his cell phone gave a muffled chirp, deep within his pocket. He had it out in nanoseconds. "Mulder," he said, freezing in place even before he could hear an answer. There was a loud crackle on the other end, but no one spoke. His heart turned over. "Scully?" Grenier and Russell ran out into the hall with Arkin hot on their heels. Mulder turned away from their questioning looks. "Scully, is that you?" "Guess again, Mulder." "Quentin," Mulder said, whirling around and snapping at the other agents. Grenier nodded and they scattered in three different directions, already on top of the trace. "What's going on, Quentin? What are you doing with Agent Scully?" The man gave a soft laugh that sent a prickling ripple of fear down Mulder's back. "Oh, come on, Mulder. You know what I'm doing. You've seen the pictures." Mulder gripped the phone so hard that it threatened to snap in two. "She's a federal agent, Carl. You hurt her and it's an automatic death penalty." "That's assuming you catch me. Which, I have to say, doesn't seem too likely, now does it?" He laughed again. "You weren't even looking in the right place!" "But I was," Mulder said. "You were at the park." "But not where you were looking!" His sing-song sounded like a four year-old's. "No, you were with Agent Scully." Mulder's stomach tightened; he closed his eyes. "Tell she all right?" "I don't want to talk about that right now. I have something else to talk about." Russell reappeared. "We've got the tower traced," she mouthed. "But keep him talking." Mulder tried to think, tried to put himself in Carl's place, but when he did he saw Scully, bruised and broken on the ground. "No," he said. "I won't listen. Not until I talk to Scully." Silence followed, and Russell looked alarmed. "What the hell are you doing?" she hissed. Mulder brushed her off. "I'm going to hang up, Carl." He waited another second. "I'm hanging up now..." "Wait!" Mulder waited, shaking as the seconds passed. He heard rustling and Carl's murmur. Then, "Mulder, it's me." "Scully!" Thank God. Her voice was roughened, scared, but she was still alive. Tears stung his eyes. "Scully, where are you?" She did not answer. He heard more scuffling, then Carl's voice on the line again. Hard, angry. "Now," he said, "you'll listen to me." "Yes," Mulder said, walking a circle in the hallway. "Yes, okay. What is it? Anything you want, it's okay. We'll get it for you. Just don't hurt her." Quentin answered with a hacking cough. "Like your partner, do you, Agent Mulder? She's a pretty one. Smart, too. Smarter than you, Mr. Hot Shit FBI." "She's the best we have," Mulder agreed. Russell gave him a questioning look, but he couldn't answer it. Quentin was one step ahead of him in this conversation. "She guessed my secret right off," Carl continued. "She's the one who thought we should tell you, too." "What?" Mulder was losing patience, his nerves stretched razor-sharp. "What do you want me to know?" Carl's breathing grew deeper. "I want you to know I have your partner tied up. I've got her in bed, Mulder. And she's wearing those pretty shoes just for me." Mulder swallowed, nearly gagging. "You leave her alone, you bastard! You leave her alone or--" "Or you'll what?" "This call is being traced," Mulder said desperately. "You don't have time." "I have plenty of time for what I need to do. So go ahead and trace the phone, Agent Mulder. I'm sure you'll find it eventually." He paused. "Here, I'll even give you a hint -- it'll be right next to Agent Scully's body." And the line went dead. XxXxX He snapped off the phone and gave her a gapped-tooth grin. "You were right," he said. "That was fun." Scully felt her insides begin to shred apart in fear as tossed the phone aside. "But you didn't tell him. He'll never know--" "He doesn't fucking deserve to know!" Carl's smile became an angry snarl. "He's a fuckup, and we're not going to mention his name again, understand?" Scully said nothing, and Carl grabbed her throat, squeezing until she gagged. "I said, do you understand?" "Yes," she gasped. "Good." He released her and patted her cheek. "Then we'll get along just fine." He moved from the bed, back toward his shelf, and Scully tracked him with her eyes as she yanked with all her might on the ropes holding her to the headboard. The left side nearly slipped free. *C'mon, c'mon* she begged silently as the ropes chafed more skin from her wrists. Carl turned around from his shelf. He had a pair of hedge clippers in his hand. Scully couldn't suppress a choked sound of terror, and he blew her a kiss. "For later," he said, holding them up so she could get a better look. Not enough time, she thought wildly. There's not enough time to find me. XxXxX "Figures we couldn't catch a break," Grenier muttered as he returned with the read-outs on the phone trace. "Widest search area possible. A half dozen towns in the foothills and a bunch of the mountains, too." He glanced at Mulder. "I've already got teams headed out there. We can leave right away." Mulder was already moving. "Get me the cousin again," he called back down the hall. "I want to talk to the cousin." XxXxX He sat on the bed, the springs squeaking under his weight, and pulled her left foot into his lap. "Oh yeah," he murmured, bringing it to his crotch. Scully closed her eyes. Notyetnotyet. He leaned down to put the garden shears on the floor; her heart pounded faster and faster, almost pushing through her chest. "Okay," he said, rising up again. "Now for --" She kicked him hard in the face, catching his right eye with the point of her heel. He howled in pain and doubled over at the waist. Scully pulled harder at her restraints, kicking him again even as she tugged. The bar holding her left arm broke loose. "Bitch!" he screamed, clutching his eye and swinging at her with his free hand. She rolled away. "You fucking bitch!" With her left hand, she ripped the right bar out from the headboard. He lunged at her just as she slipped off the bed. Shaking, she ran for the door. "Oh, no you don't!" Carl caught her by the hair, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she didn't stop struggling. She brought her heel down on top of his foot. With a gasp of pain, he released her. "God dammit!" She stumbled, crying out in pain as her left foot turned over at the ankle when she caught it on a loose floorboard. Her shoe fell off. He grabbed her again by the left arm, but she scooped the shears from the floor with her right and bashed them against the injured side of his head. He contracted in pain. Yanking free from his grasp, she scrambled again towards the door, her lopsided gait now slowing her down. She kicked the other shoe off as Carl moaned behind her. "Open, open," she pleaded with the door, not daring to look over her shoulder. It rattled in its frame, the lock stuck, and she could hear Carl getting up from the floor. "Please..." Finally, the lock slid clear, and she ran out into the cold, black night. Which way, which way? She went into the woods, away from the path, picking her way though the sharp branches and slippery leaves. Her own breathing was harsh in her ears; she didn't stop to listen for him following her. The clouds obscured the moon, making it impossible to see where she was going. She ran blindly through the trees, her wounded ankle throbbing with each step. The bars from the headboard still dangled from her wrists by the rope, but she couldn't stop long enough to undo the knots. Sticks and rocks scraped against the tender bottoms of her feet, and whip-slender branches lashed across her bare legs. Her tears flowed freely now, but she kept going. At last, shaking with cold and adrenaline, she stopped in a small clearing. Drizzle had started to leak from the sky, plinking small drops on her goose-pimpled skin. Around her, there was only the whispering sound of the rain on the leaves and the occasional gust of wind. No cars, no road. She had no idea if she was five hundred or five thousand feet from Carl's cabin. In the dark woods, she might have been running in circles. The crack of a branch snapping made her jump. She turned around in a tight circle, trying to see in every direction at once, but the ink-blot night cloaked the woods in secrecy. He could be anywhere, she thought with a shudder. Keep going. So she ignored the night chill and the cuts on her feet and pushed into the dense thicket of trees once more. She had not walked for more than fifteen minutes when she saw a light flash in the distance. She froze, hugging herself against the rain and cold. The beam of light crisscrossed through the darkness, and she heard the crunch of footsteps. Oh, God, she thought. It's him. She scrambled back the way she had come. Down a steep hill, through the thicket, she reached the bottom and paused for breath against a rocky ledge. The footsteps were closer than before, and this time she heard voices. Voices! "Scully? Scully, are you out here?" "Yes," she said, barely recognizing the rasp masquerading as her voice. The footsteps began to move away. XxXxX End Chapter Fourteen. Continued in Chapter Fifteen.